Friday, April 11, 2014

2 weeks notice

Well,  I think those pregnancy hormones have finally kicked in at 38 weeks. Its hard to describe how I've been feeling lately. Today, was a little rough. I feel anxious and excited all at the same time... I feel like a ticking time bomb...literally:) like I am getting ready for this really huge thing, and I am not sure when its going to happen, or how I will handle it.

I am also starting to get uncomfortable, and tired. My bed time rolls around at about 9:30-10 every night.. with me usually waking up about five times. Just getting me ready right:)

My poor husband had to deal with me crying over nicking Jets ear while cutting his hair (trying to save money) It started bleeding all over the place and I just cried like a baby for hurting him. Note to self.. don't do things like this at almost 9 months pregnant.

On a happier note. Treys beautiful sister took some cute baby bump pictures with Trey and I.. I know they are cheesy but hey you have to at least have a few. Enjoy:) She is an amazing photographer.

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